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SEO Don’ts

The last thing anyone wants is to get banned from a major search engine. Search engines have been placing a lot of emphasis lately on cleaning up their search results so that they exclude low quality SPAM sites.

When you design your webpages, there are a few things that you will want to avoid.

Do not use hidden text or hidden links. Some webmasters want to use a keyword over and over on a page to trick search engines. Since they don’t want the visitors to see those keywords repeated they use a text color that is the same or almost the same as the page background so those words won’t show. Most search engines are wise to this tactic.

Another mistake some webmasters make is using cloaking or sneaky redirects. For example, they will have a page that contains certain keywords multiple times but when the user visits the page they are redirected to another page that has the true content. This trick doesn't work with any of the major search engines.

Don't load your webpages with irrelevant words hoping to get more traffic. The best tactic is to concentrate on those keywords that best represent your page's content.

Don't create duplicate pages, subdomains, or domains with substantially duplicate content. Search engines will catch this and omit one or more of the sites from their index.

Don't create pages that install viruses, Trojans, or other damaging software.

Avoid "doorway" pages created just for the sake of search engines.

Avoid "cookie cutter" approaches such as websites full of affiliate links with little or no original content. Make sure that your site adds value. Provide unique and relevant content that gives users a reason to visit your site first.

You have completed the SEO section of the course!

Link Farms
Don't participate in link schemes designed to increase your site's ranking or PageRank with search engines. In particular, avoid links to web spammers or bad/questionable content on the web. Your own ranking may be affected adversely by those links.






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